Plausible Blocks 1.1 Beta

February 8, 2010, by Landon Fuller

Plausible Blocks (PLBlocks) provides a drop-in runtime and toolchain for using blocks in iPhone 2.2+ and Mac OS X 10.5 applications. We’ve started using PLBlocks in shipping iPhone applications, and soon-to-ship Mac OS X applications, and have been working to add support for some key features — the new PLBlocks 1.1-beta2 is the first release to include:

  • Objective-C Garbage Collection Support
  • C/C++ support

We’ve been using the new beta release for our own day-to-day development for a few weeks now, and hope you’ll help us test out some of the new features. The updated SDK is available for Leopard and Snow Leopard from the PLBlocks project page.

If you’d like to read more about using blocks in your own software, we recommend:

iPad Support

We’ve verified that both PLBlocks 1.0 and 1.1-beta2 work with the iPad SDK, and plan on integrating Apple’s beta iPhoneOS compiler updates in a future preview release of PLBlocks for iPad developers.

The new iPad compiler also appears to support the use of blocks on iPhone OS 3.2+; we’ll be very excited to see official block support for the platform. The iPhone OS 3.2 SDK GCC sources can be found at

Welcome Chris Campbell!

January 12, 2010, by Terri Kramer

The Plausible Labs Engineering Team has doubled!

We are extremely pleased (and somewhat giddy) to announce that the incredibly talented Chris Campbell has joined the cooperative. Chris brings with him a decade of experience working at Sun, where he wrote the OpenGL-accelerated backend for Java2D and led the design and development of the Prism graphics engine for JavaFX.

You can learn more about Chris on our About page, or on his blog:

New Releases: PLBlocks 1.0 and PLCrashReporter 1.0 (and more!)

September 6, 2009, by Landon Fuller

PLBlocks 1.0

Plausible Blocks (PLBlocks) provides a drop-in runtime and toolchain for using blocks in iPhone 2.2+ and Mac OS X 10.5 applications. Both the runtime and compiler patches are direct backports from Apple’s Snow Leopard source releases.

The final 1.0 release includes two fixes for issues reported against the beta release:

  • Fixed support for using pre-compiled headers with blocks.
  • Work-around for rdar://7189835 – Xcode rewrites all occurrence of ‘gcc’ in a
    compiler path when linking using g++

We’re now using PLBlocks 1.0 for our own internal and client projects. The updated SDK is available for Leopard and Snow Leopard from the PLBlocks project page.

If you’d like to read more about using blocks in your own software, we recommend:

PLCrashReporter 1.0

Plausible CrashReporter provides an in-process crash reporting framework for use on both the iPhone and Mac OS X.

  • iPhone 3GS-optimized (armv7) binaries
  • Mac OS X 10.5+ PowerPC and experimental x86-64 support.

The latest release may be downloaded from the PLCrashReporter project page.

Since crash reports are handled internally to your iPhone application, it supports crash reporting for in-development application versions, allows users to provide additional feedback when submitting a report, and even provides the opportunity to inform users of known issues and the need to upgrade.

If you’d like to include PLCrashReporter in your own application, we recommend perusing some of the open-source usage examples:

PLDatabase 1.2.1

Plausible Database is an SQL database access library for Objective-C, initially focused on SQLite as an application database. The library supports both Mac OS X and iPhone development.

The new 1.2.1 release includes:

The latest release may be downloaded from the PLDatabase project page.

PLInstrument 1.0

This is the first release of PLInstrument, a reproducible instrumentation library modeled on xUnit. The library is intended to facilitate the instrumentation of performance critical code, and provide easily comparable results over the lifetime of the code base.

We use PLInstrument to provide reproducible measurements of performance critical sections in our applications and libraries.

The 1.0 release may be downloaded from the PLInstrument project page.

Example Usage

// If for some reason you wanted to measure the runtime of
// CGAffineTransform
- (PLInstrumentResult *) instrumentMirrorTransform {
    PLIAbsoluteTime start, finish;
    int iterations = 25000;

    start = PLICurrentTime();
    for (int i = 0 ; i < iterations; i++) {
        CGAffineTransform mirrorTransform;
        mirrorTransform = CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(0.0, 200.0f);
        mirrorTransform = CGAffineTransformScale(mirrorTransform, 1.0, -1.0);
    finish = PLICurrentTime();

    return [PLInstrumentResult resultWithStartTime: start
                                           endTime: finish iterations: iterations];


Instrumentation suite 'PLCoreGraphicsDemoInstruments' started at
    2008-12-20 18:51:46 -0800
Instrumentation case -[PLCoreGraphicsDemoInstruments instrumentMirrorTransform]
    completed (0.710000 us/iteration) at 2008-12-20 18:51:46 -0800
Instrumentation suite 'PLCoreGraphicsDemoInstruments' finished at
    2008-12-20 18:51:53 -0800