PLBlocks 1.0-beta2 Released

July 11, 2009, by Landon Fuller


This release was focused on expanding the supported host and target architectures (thanks to everyone who provided testing!).

  • iPhone OS 2.2 and later are now supported.
  • The runtime is now available as an iPhone 3gs optimized armv6/armv7 universal binary.
  • Development is now supported on PowerPC systems.


The initial beta of Plausible Blocks is available for Leopard and Snow Leopard:

This beta release is provided for developer testing and experimentation. Plausible Blocks supports targeting Mac OS X 10.5 (PPC, i386, x86-64), iPhone OS 2.2+ (armv6, armv7), and iPhoneSimulator 2.2+ (i386). Garbage collection and Mac OS X 10.4 are currently unsupported.

Further Reading

If you’re interested in learning more about blocks, here are a few articles to get your started: